Forum Discussion

MSK_222682's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 22, 2016

Question on Assigned Signature Set for security policies


Dear All,


May I please ask you a question on WAF which I’m deploying in learning mode for my Customer.


I have configured the security policies with Signature Staging enabled but I see that BLOCK option has been checked for each of the assigned signature set as highlighted,


As per my understanding I cannot edit the BLOCK option because it’s been disabled and it will not block the traffic although it shows as checked.


Can you please confirm if my understanding is correct as I want to attach these policies to virtual servers in question.




  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    It won't block because the policy is in Transparent mode. Once in Blocking mode then the attack signatures will Block attacks....UNLESS the signatures are in staging. This overwrites Blocking policy setting. What this is telling you is its set to Block when the policy is in Blocking mode.