Forum Discussion

Dan_Bowman's avatar
Dec 22, 2017

Problem with HTTP2 profiles on

Before I open a support case, just wondering if anyone else has experienced an issue with the latest update and VS that use HTTP2 profiles?


Specifically seems to impact Firefox users who just get a HTTP400 response from the pool members. Node logs show the request being malformed hence the error.


Removing HTTP2 profile clears the issue and is the workaround I'm running with currently.


  • I have the same issue. In 13.1 there is no longer the NPN mode in the advanced settings for the http2 profile only ALPN and Always. I was about to open a ticket but as a workaround I have removed the http2 profile from my virtual servers.


  • Hi Dan,


    Any news on this issue? Did you get any answer from the support ?


    We are facing exactly the same problem, and have fixed it for now by disabling HTTP/2.


  • The same issue is affecting us on (we've opened a support call C2634426, awaiting a response). Logging the request headers on the F5 seems to show the Accept header with an empty header name, though a packet capture of the request from Firefox looks sane, so it looks like there are some issues with header processing.


  • We've had a response to our support call to say this is a bug:


    ID703191 HTTP2 requests may contain invalid headers when sent to servers


  • I've been having the same header issue with Firefox, turning on http2 changes "accept: text/css,/;q=0.1\r\" to ": text/css,/;q=0.1\r\n"


  • We received an Engineering hot fix for, but I don't know when this will be included in an official release.


  • has been released yesterday. In the list of known issues in the release notes:

    703191-2 2-Critical HTTP2 requests may contain invalid headers when sent to servers

    Details of the issue in the release notes:

    703191-2 : HTTP2 requests may contain invalid headers when sent to servers
    Component: Local Traffic Manager
    HTTP requests handled by an HTTP/2 virtual server may have blank header names when proxied through to the server or when handled via iRules.
    -- Virtual server has the HTTP/2 profile assigned.
    -- Client and the BIG-IP system negotiate/use HTTP/2.
    HTTP/2 applications may generate CSRF-related errors. Alternately, the server may return intermittent (and from the client's perspective, spurious) 400 Bad Request responses.
    There is no workaround other than to remove the HTTP/2 profile from the virtual server.
  • nicom's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hello We run and are still facing the HTTP Error 400 "The request has an invalid header name" when using the http2 profile. The release note still mentions bug 703191-2 in the list of known bugs (and so does release note). Is F5 working on this issue ?