Forum Discussion

mrp_235984's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 05, 2016

Problem with F5 heartbeat

I’m having a problem with the heartbeat on the new F5’s for the Intranet. The interfaces are up, but I can’t ping across them. I’m thinking it might be a F5 SFP or switch port.


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    I'm thinking you haven't provided enough information here to know for sure...


    What are the interfaces connected to? At which speed & duplex? Are they on the same VLAN? Do you KNOW they're on the same VLAN (i.e. can you prove it. If it's a cisco switch then CDP is a big help here)? LLDP is a big help too if it's not a cisco switch.


    If you tcpdump on the interfaces do you see traffic inbound from the other node? What about outbound? (Hint, tcpdump at both end simultaneously. You can eliminate a lot of potential problems if you know where the traffic is going missing).

