Forum Discussion

Nick_T_68319's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 01, 2012

priority group activation change in behavior?

I recently upgraded to v11 on the Viprion boxes from v10 on 6900 boxes. We have two different priority groups setup.



Priority group 10


Server 1


Server 2


Server 3




Priority group 5


Server 5


Server 6


Server 7




So lately I have noticed this behavior, it is very strange. After we failover, user is on Server 7 for example. I force the node down, then it reselects them to Server 6. I don't see how this should happen, since Priority group 10 is active, shouldn't it reselect them to a member in that group? Was there a change in behavior between v10 and v11?


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Nick,



    I don't know of any changes in v11 that would trigger this behavior. I did a quick search through the 11.2 release notes but didn't see anything related. Can you open a case with F5 Support on this?



  • I have a case open at the moment, but the difficult part is that it doesn't do it all the time. It's driving me crazy.