Forum Discussion

pjhhaas_109824's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 08, 2012

Powershell configsync.state doesn't match the GUI


I'm using Powershell to get the configsync.state as follows:



PS C:\> (Get-F5.iControl).ManagementDBVariable.get_list() | Where-Object {$ -like "configsync.state"} | Format-List




name : Configsync.State


value : 1 - Local config modified, recommend configsync to peer




However, in the GUI it shows "In Sync" since I just launched a sync from the GUI. Is there someplace else I should be looking for the configsync status? Does anyone know why there is this discrepancy?


  • fwiw, here are the most of the other configsync settings:



    Configsync.AllowManagement disable


    Configsync.Autodetect enable


    Configsync.csdone 0


    Configsync.Encryption off




    Configsync.LocalConfigTime 1344453823


    Configsync.LocalSyncedTime 0




    Configsync.PeerConfigTime 0


    Configsync.PeerConfigTimeRaw 0


    Configsync.PeerIpaddr ::


    Configsync.PeerState unknown


    Configsync.peerupdatedstatus 0


    Configsync.PeerUpdateInterval 30


    Configsync.port 443


    Configsync.State 1 - Local config modified, recommend configsync to peer


    Configsync.timediff 600