Forum Discussion

Michal_Kratoch1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 07, 2018

Power cycle using AOM?

Hello, I could not find a definitive answer or article describing the AOM option P. My question is - can I use the AOM option P to power cycle a VCMP host that got stuck during reboot? Meaning, if I use the AOM option P to power off, will I be able to also use AOM to power ON the system afterwards? Or is it only meant to be used after halting the system from bash..


Thanks a lot for any advice. Michal


  • AOM is like DRAC, LOM or ILO cards on servers... it is "always on Management"


    it allows you to connect to AOM even when the system is shutdown.


    If you power off the system with AOM (option P --- Power on/off host subsystem), you won't be disconnected to AOM. so you can then power on.