Forum Discussion

supersharp_3604's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 04, 2018

Pool is changed when Ansible playbook is played again

When I add a Pool in my BIG-IP by the mean of Ansible module big_ip, the pool is correctly defined. Fine!

But when I play the task again, the pool is signaled as

(in the Ansible stdout
). It shoudn't because nothing was changed.

This occurs only when I define the

option for the pool in the task:

monitor_type: and_list
monitors: http

Whan I don't define a

option then I can play the taks again and the pool in seen as unchanged, as expected.

  1. Is it a normal behavior?
  2. What could I do to avoid it?

I need to see only the real changes in the PLAY RECAP because some handlers are triggered by changes.

Thank you for your help 🙂

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