Forum Discussion
Pointing application server based of clients
Hallo! Good afternoon!
I need to create a VIP that forward traffic in basis of client ip. User requirements is if traffic coming from set of source ips it need to forward to set of servers and if from other client different server. Please guide me to achieve this
Please try this one . clinetipgroup should ip your client ip group created in F5.
if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "clinetipgroup"] } {
pool pool1
else {
pool pool2
- Aswin_mkCumulonimbus
i suggest creating irule for the same. create a client ip object group and map it to irule . if the object group matched traffic source ip, it should point to your first pool, else you can forward it to secondary pool. no need to set pool specifically in VIP.
- Coyabi_zigerNimbostratus
Hallo Aswin
Thx for the quick one, but could you please make it as a irule if possible. Not much familiar with it
- Aswin_mkCumulonimbus
Please try this one . clinetipgroup should ip your client ip group created in F5.
if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "clinetipgroup"] } {
pool pool1
else {
pool pool2
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