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THE_BLUE's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Nov 04, 2021

Parameter Value - Regular Expression

I want to restrict parameter value to accept date only, is below Regular Expression will work?


  • I found this regex, fits in the 254 character limit and checks:

    1. valid dates
    2. if leap year, then 29.2. is also valid
  • Yes, it will work, but will not catch non-existing dates like: 31/02/2000.

    I found a regex build by someone brilliant on stackoverflow, which also check for leap years.


    Link to stackoverflow

    There is a regex validator in ASM, where it seems that the above regex is working.

    And shows it is not matching non-existing dates. 



    • THE_BLUE's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      dear Daniel,

      the idea is, i want to accept date format only (dd/mm/yyyy) in this parameter and block others value like text and so on. so do i have to use the mentioned regex (your regex) ?

      one more thing, i can not use the above regex because it exceed the limit . how can i re-write the regex to accept dd/mm/yyyy ?

      • Hi ,


        You are correct, my regex is exceeding the 254 character limit. I tested it only in the regex validator, but not in a Parameter. My bad. *facepalm*

        Your regex should work, but it will not prevent users from adding dates like 31/02/2022. 




  • i have modified the regex to ^([0-2][0-9]|(3)[0-1])(\/)(([0-9]|(0)[0-9])|((1)[0-2]))(\/)\d{4}$ , now it can accept both 29/3/2026 and 02/03/2022 but again can't detect non-existing date ex 31/2/2021

    • I cannot judge which regex meets your requirements best. The usual syntax is dd/mm/yyyy.

      Is it more important for you, to have a syntax that would catch dd/mm/yyyy and dd/m/yyyy?

      Or is it it more important to filter out non-existing dates like 31/02/2022 and stick to the defacto standard of dd/mm/yyyy?


      My regex foo is not strong enough to combine both requirements into one single regex.