Apr 01, 2011Cirrus
Operator precedence
I've been looking at the documentation provided on iRule operators in the wiki, and the operator precedence for the F5-added operators is not listed. Is this information available anywhere?
The custom operators like "or" and "and" should be equivalent to the TCL || and &&. "not" is equivalent to !. equals is eq, etc.
Do you have a specific scenario you're not sure about? If so, can you post a code snippet?
Thanks, Aaron
Operand Description
contains Tests if one string contains another string
ends_with Tests if one string ends with another string
matches_glob Implement glob style matching within a comparison
matches_regex Tests if one string matches a regular expression
The other operators, as hoolio pointed out, map to existing TCL operators, which are sorted in order of precedence.
if { ! ( [HTTP::uri] contains "my_string" ) } ...