Forum Discussion

ndaems_145583's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 26, 2014

NTLM Authentication - Windows Integrated 401 Challenge

Dear All,


I'm trying to replace an ISA server by a BIG IP solution


At present the ISA server is doing an authenticatin on all listener (Virtual Server).


Authentication is based on NTLM


1) Client send a GET request to the serveur 2) ISA respond with a 401. Unauthorize and start NTLM challenge (Header Authenticate-WWW: NTLM & Negotiate) 3) Client respond to the NTLM Challenge 4) ISA validate the challenge and let the client passing trought if credentials are valid 5) Client is in contact with the server web page


I already tried to setup APM with NTLM Check Auth but it always fails


I also tried to setup in APM 401 Challenge but in this case negotiation happen with Kerberos and not NTLM as the ISA is doing... This also conclude to failure


My question is finally quite simple.. Does someone already setup such topology


IIS7 with Windows Integrated Authentication. External Client are redirected to BIGIP which validate credentials (without Portal Access) and if ok send the client to the windows app?


Thanks in advance for your support

