Forum Discussion

a_basharat_2591's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 20, 2018

new NIC on GTMs in Sync group



We have two production GTMs configured in a SYNC group. They are Virtual Machines and each of them with three NICs: management, internal and external


Our plan is to add a new NIC [fourth] to each of them and hook a new VLAN there, so they can access a new subnetwork on that VLAN.


Will this new NIC disrupt the normal function of the GTMs while we create it and add the new VLAN? Is it something we can do without affecting the SYNC group and the normal behaviour of the GTMs?




  • Surgeon's avatar
    Ret. Employee

    It is depend on your config especially routes and subnets. Just be sure that the traffic is no going via new interfaces and it should not cause any issue. However you may need to restart the box, so it can see new NIC