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ashish_6700's avatar
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Mar 26, 2010

Need iRule setup for Diameter protocol



We are trying Load balancing for application which uses Diameter protocol......We are configuring Big IP(V9.4.3) which does not have Diameter profile as it's supported from V10.1......



However in one of the Whitepaper we came across suggests it use to be done using the iRule in earlier versions.



Need help from someone who have configured Diameter protocol using the iRule etc...



Need help urgently and desperately....



Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi Ashish,



    What are you trying to do with the Diameter protocol?



    Eric posted a fairly involved iRule for serially distributing a message to all pool members in the posts below. Maybe it would be relevant for you?






  • OK, just checked, and yes, that beast of a rule does appear to be v4.03. It's the current one.



    HUGE caveat: I did not write that one myself. I was merely the messenger. I do have a pretty good understanding on how it works, though there are some points where my eyes cross when looking through it.



    As Aaron said, it's probably a good idea to tell a bit about what you are trying to do with Diameter.



  • Dear Eric



    Myself and Ashish are working in the same team and troubleshooting the AAA loadbalancing issues.



    We have installed Oracle Billing and Revenue management in production and AAA server is one of the components of Oracle BRM. The network element SCP will send the authentication and authorization request (diameter request) to AAA server and we are trying to load balance the AAA server using BIG IP 69000. We have setup the TCP profile in the loadbalancer but the request is not reaching the AAA server. We would like to know whether we need to upgrade to v10.1 for Diameter support or is there any workaround we can do in 9.4.3 version for Diameter requests.


  • Dear All,



    We need an urgent help on this issues. Appreciate a quick response. We need to start the production readiness test with BIG IP and BRM AAA Server ASAP. Please help.







  • Hi Praveen,



    Can you explain what you've configured so far and show the config from the bigip.conf? You can anonymize the output from 'b virtual VIP_NAME list' and 'b pool POOL_NAME list' to start with.



    If you have some kind of simplified network diagram that would help as well.





  • Dear Aaron,



    We have configured vritual servers with TCP and custom TCP profile for the diameter requests and its not working. I am trying to get the bigip.conf. Meanwhile can you please let us know how to configure the BIG IP v9.4.3 to support Diameter. Do we have any generic IRule configurations for Diameter support. We don'thave much idea about iRules. If you could give us iRule configuration that will supoport diameter requests it will be a great help.We are generating the diameter requets from Segull for testing.









  • The second link Aaron posted above has a very in-depth example. There isn't any native support for diameter in 9.4.x, so you're going to have to build it. You, binary scan, and expr will be great friends afterwards.


    Yes. We have gone through that example. Can you please let know what level of customization we need to do that in that code. Basically on the following part. Do we need to make any other change in the IRule to make this works.





    set ohostval ""


    set ohostdlen [string len $ohostval]


    set ohostlen [expr $ohostdlen + 8]


    set ohostpad [expr (4 - ( ${ohostdlen} % 4) )%4 ]


    set ohostlen_pad [expr $ohostlen + $ohostpad ]


    log local0. "ohostval = $ohostval, ohostdlen = $ohostdlen, ohostpad = $ohostpad, ohostlen_pad = $ohostlen_pad"


    set my_ohostavp [binary format IIa${ohostdlen}H[expr 2 * ${ohostpad}] 264 [expr (0x40<<24)| ${ohostlen}] $ohostval 000000]


    binary scan $my_ohostavp H* ohosthex


    log local0. "ohost(hex) = $ohosthex"








  • Hi,


    We have successfully upgraded BIG IP to 10.1 version which supports Diameter.


    Yesterday we have tried to configure BIG IP for BRM application using the Diameter profile feature available in BIG IP 10.1 without any success. Load Balancing is still not working here.



    We have done this configration as suggested in "Message-Based Load Balancing" white paper published by Lori MacVittie (Technical Marketing Manager, Application Services).



    We need help here urgently to debug the issue.....Which log files and log settings we should look into to debug this issue and get more idea?



    We are trying to load balance based upon AVP code specified in Diameter profile.



    In case any one have any settings also which needs to be used to configure Diameter profile so that it can be used for Diameter protocl then request you to please suggest so that we will cross verify.



    We are firing the messages on load balancing VIP and ideally it should pass on to AAAGW componenet of BRM application.



    Thanks in Advance !!!


