Forum Discussion

nik_65678's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 12, 2010

mac osx anyone?

anyone know if f5 has plans to expand their supported platforms at all in the future, particularly osx? i'm interested in seeing the irule editor ported. non-windows platforms are gaining a larger and larger portion of the desktop market both in and out of the enterprise. seems like a good plan to jump on that market early.
  • changing the direction of a project is never easy, i can only imagine the headache that trying to port that is.



    if you do end up finding a halfway-decent way of porting, what would you think of dividing the project into two sections - one for the backend and one for the gui?
  • Another option is to take a off the shelf editor and build an extension to support the iRules Syntax. TextMate has a pretty good way to extend and build your own grammars. But, it's not free. $59 per seat.



  • Aaron_Forster_3's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Been working on one in Java. I believe I have all the fatal kinks worked out. Joe's still has more features than mine but Njord has a couple of cool tricks of it's own.


  • Parallels running Windows XP uses a feature called Coherence to put the windows iRule editor on your Mac desktop with ease. I realise there are other solutions but when you are in a hurry.... it just works.