Forum Discussion

jwashburn_48359's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 14, 2013

Lync 2013 Edge Server Interfaces same F5 pair

We are having a problem with the iApp for Lync. We are using Lync 2013 and having problems with mobile clients connecting from internally. They of course use the reverse proxy to do this, but I am ...
  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Nov 14, 2013

    It's possible to deploy all Lync services on one layer of LTM, so this should work if you have your routing correct. Internal clients and FE servers need to be able to route directly to your internal Edge VIPs and the internal interfaces of your Edge servers. The Edge external and internal interfaces must not be able to route to each other.


    That said, I think Mobility clients only use HTTP, with all the SIP traffic taking place server-to-server on the back end.


    You were having problems with the reverse proxy yesterday, did those get resolved?



