Forum Discussion
Localizing customized PHP
I've been currently tasked with going in and localizing our login pages hosted within APM. I've read through the manual and have done some extra googling, But I am unsure of the best method and was wondering if anyone else had previous experience.
Currently there is a landing page(Decision Page) in plain text embedded in html. Is there a way to create new UI variables that add to the lists in general customization(Currently there's Message, option1, option2) so that I can move our text in there. The previous dev that worked on this is unavailable.
If not are there any other effective ways to handle localization? I've been looking into php gettext but not sure how I would implement that into APM.
- Josiah_39459Historic F5 Account
When you have a Decision Box in the VPE there is a "Language" drop down. You can customize what text displays for any language available in your Access Profile. If a langauge isn't listed, you have to add it to the Access Profile first in the Languages settings.
Or does localization mean something different in this question?
- Rgriffin_315864
Thanks for the reply,
I saw that feature mentioned in the manual. I've done that as a start, and a lot of the default strings have been translated as expected. However on the decisionbox.ico page for that particular control we've added several additional html text strings. I'm kind of looking to extend whats there with more than just the 3 listed in general text customization.
Currently you have the decision message, option1, option2 as translatable variable strings, I was looking to extend to allow for a few more fields, That way we could use APMas a one stop shop for holding translation strings. instead of the xml/php option were looking at now.
Thanks again.
- Josiah_39459Historic F5 Account
Right. Advanced Customization applies to all locales, so you'd have to write your own switch based on user language (which you can obtain from the session variable or user-agent header). I'm not aware of any feature request to have Advanced Customization done on a per locale basis as most people who go in and edit the template files would rather just have all the control themselves.
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