Forum Discussion
Jun 25, 2012irules with internal and external IP address pools
We have a pair of BIP-IP 3600, running 10.2.2, in datacenter (dca) performing
load balancing for a 6 node web farm.
In datacenter (dcb), we h...
Jun 25, 2012Unfortunately we need to demonstrate to the datacenter (dca) a proven method for splitting internal
and external redirection from a sample set of pools, and iRules.
There is some complexity currently splitting the website in question between CMS web farm, and a busy
transactional web farm. That configuration currently has both web farms on internal, but separate VLANs.
The difference in the proposed case is that the CMS portion will be hosted externally to the transactional
We currently have pool-1 (172.28.14.x) which is the VLAN the 6 node transactional farm resides on.
We have pool-2 (172.28.6.x) which is the VLAN, the 2 node CMS is hosted on.
Both pool-1 and pool-2 are internal addresses NAT'ed to public IP's.
The iRules have all traffic going to the 6 node farm defined in pool-1, with exceptions for a list of several
dozen URL's that are found on the CMS nodes defined in pool-2.
What is being considered is having an external pool, pool-3 which would contain the server IP's for the
web site as hosted in the new datacenter (dcb), but the NOC for (dca) has balked, claiming that redirecting
traffic to an external pool cannot be done in our current configuration.
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