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Reidw's avatar
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Sep 01, 2018

Irule recaptcha China

Hi Everyone,


I have an application that integrates correctly with Google reCAPTCHA, the problem is I need the reCAPTCHA to be accessible within China, as a workaround I have written a basic HTTP stream irule but the problem is the solution is unstable, for example, we have the following issue


It takes a user about 8 to 15 verify requests before the user's response is accepted within the Recaptcha interface. When using the google domain I receive a successful response within three requests.


I'm currently investigating the response from Google but I'm wondering if anyone else has written a similar solution without using "Google reCAPTCHA v2 challenge iRule". I have a funny feeling the problem is related to the session but any tips would be great.


Setup - 2 Vips to support "" / "; - Streaming Irule


Next week I'm going to look into my VIP configuration further and base it on (


  • Hi Reidw,

     I'm also working on this,Do you have some updates?
     I'm following this(,but is still not successful to connect to google.