Forum Discussion

Ian_Johnson_382's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 25, 2012

iRule not working with SSL profile assign to virtual server

Hi All,

I am using an iRule to direct incoming LDAP requests to servers based on the "CN" string. When I don't have a Client SSL profile assign to the virtual server the rule works fine. With a SSL profile assign the rule does not match on the tcp payload and using tcpdump I do not see any unencrypted traffic leave, just a RST sent back to the client.

This is running on LTM 10.2.4HF3

 Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug-logging of this iRule in /var/log/ltm
when RULE_INIT {
  set DEBUG 1
    if { $::DEBUG }    {log local0. "Client connected [IP::client_addr] "}
     Save payload
         set payload [TCP::payload]
     If in debug mode, log payload of received packet
         if { $::DEBUG } { log local0. "payload <$payload" }
     check if payload contains the string we want to replace
    if { [TCP::payload] contains "CN=adminbh" } {
         If in debug mode, log that the payload matched
        if { $::DEBUG } { log local0. "payload matched" }
        pool pool_bh
    if { $::DEBUG } { log local0. "Release TCP connection" }

Any ideas?



  • When I don't have a Client SSL profile assign to the virtual server the rule works fine.


    That means the traffic is not SSL.


    With a SSL profile assign


    Nothing should work anymore. Normal.




  • We have checked the incoming traffic and it is SSL. I have captured the request and can see the SSL handshake and using ssldump I can see the LDAP query being sent.


  • How could one match the string "CN=adminbh" in SSL encrypted payload?



    Do you mean to say the iRule works for LDAP, but when you use LDAPS on the client and enable client_ssl profile, it then does not work?



    Does terminating SSL itself work, regardless of any iRule?
  • Here is the Virtual server configuration

    With the clientssl profile

    virtual vs__ldaps {
    snatpool mimecast_snat
    destination x.x.x.x:ldaps i
    p protocol tcp
    rules ldap-redirect
    profiles {
    ssl_ldap { clientside }
    tcp-lan-optimized { serverside }
    tcp-wan-optimized { clientside }