Forum Discussion

skycoyotte_8558's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 06, 2011

IRule editor and BIG-IP V10

Hi all,



I can't connect to my Big-IP with Irule Editor.


I'm sure about login, but i get a 'Invalid Connection Information...'




My Big-IP is running on V10.2.




Is it a problem ?




Please Help !




Thanks in advance.


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    The iRule Editor uses the same protocol and admin credentials you would use with a browser. Can you connect to the management IP or self IP that's failing with the editor with a browser? If not, check if the self IP allows port 443 in the port lockdown setting.



  • Hi,



    I can connect to the managment ip with my brower (


    EndPoint section is fixed to '/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi'



    Perhaps there is a mistake on big ip V10 ?
  • sseery's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Did anyone find a resolution to the issue? I am seeing the same behavior using v0.11.0.2 and BIG-IP 10.2.1 Build 297.0 Final



    When I close out the "Connect" dialog box I see the following message.



    "The host you have specified must be a v9.x BIG-IP"



    I am able to access the iControl via a browser at the following URL:









  • I am still unable to reproduce this one. Are you getting any other error than the "The host you have specified must be a v9.x BIG-IP"? I'm looking at the connection code and it's pretty basic. When you click the "OK" button on the connection dialog, it attempts to call the System::SystemInfo::get_product_information() method. If that causes an error, it should pop up with a dialog box showing the network error that occurred and the calling app then puts the above error. I don't see a code path where no dialog is present with a network error given one occurs.



    Also, are you sure you have "a.b.254.55" in the Hostname field and the port value is 443?



    Are you able to connect with any other iControl client?



    Just grabbing at straws here. Since the iRule Editor just uses the stock iControl Assembly for .Net, it should be going through the same type of connection your browser is. I don't see how the auth could be different.



    If this persists, I can get you a debug build of the iRule Editor that you can run to nail this down.





  • sseery's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



    Thanks for the prompt response.



    To answer your questions:



    1. The dialog in the box is "Invalid Connection Information". As mentioned, once the connection dialog box is closed, that is where the message "The host you have specified must be a v9.x BIG-IP" appears.



    2. I have verified that the correct IP address are being used. I have also tried to connect to a second LTM cluster running BIG-IP 10.2.2 Build 763.3 Final and I encounter the same issue.



    3. I don't know of any other iControl clients but I can look for one and try to connect.



    4. I am using Win 7/version 4 of .NET. I am going to try this from a system tomorrow running XP/3.5 and I'll post the results up.






  • sseery's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Ok, some (hopefully useful) information...



    1. Installed iRule editor v11 on the XP/.NET v4 instance. Connected right in... Wrote and saved a basic iRule... Problem solved... Until I tried to connect to the second LTM cluster. I received the dreaded "Invalid Connection Information"\"The host you have specified must be a v9.x BIG-IP" messages are reported. When I went back to the 10.2.1 box to reconnect, I got the same error again...



    2. From here I thought I should be able to duplicate a successful login by uninstalling the software and trying again... This ended up NOT working because apparently the uninstall script does not remove the registry entries from when connection entries are saved by the dialog box.



    3. Ok, time to hack the registry... I cleared the following keys:



    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\F5 Networks\iRuler\LastAccount


    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-35927030-1879076691-1865945288-19728\Software\F5 Networks\iRuler\Accounts\\Hostname


    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-35927030-1879076691-1865945288-19728\Software\F5 Networks\iRuler\Accounts\\Username



    When I went to login, I was able to connect to ALL three LTM clusters (10.2.2, 10.2.1,9.4.8). I don't know what to make of this other than now it is working...



    4. Rebooted to make sure this workaround is a persistent... and it is continuing to work.



    5. This workaround did NOT work for my Win 7 workstation. I can still not login here.


    a. I attempted to perform a packet capture on this workstation but no traffic is being generated to the F5 when I click on the OK button in the connection dialog - I'm checking to see if my AV is to blame for this but I am running the same AV on the XP box...






  • Sean, this is a new one to me. You might try deselecting the "Save Connection Details" link in the connection dialog. That bypasses the registry settings.



    I wonder if there's an extra space in the hostname or username. On your Win7 system have you tried re-typing all the fields in the connection dialog?



    If you get into this situation again (or your Win7 system is still not working), shoot me an email to joe-at-f5-dot-com with the contents of the "\HKCU\Software\F5 Networks\iRuler\Accounts" registry hive so I can try to see if there's some corruption going on in there.



    If you want, I could setup a debug build for you that did some internal diagnostics during the connection process to figure this out.





  • sseery's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



    I've been out for the past few days... Sorry for not getting back. I will send you the requested registry data. I've tried not using the "Save Connection Details" without any success. Once you have reviewed the Registry data we can try the debug build.






  • Hey guys, I'm getting the same problem trying to connect to any of my 10.2.4 machines. Just fails the same way mentioned above. Invalid connection information.
  • Will_'s avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hi, I have uninstalled, reinstalled, edited registry (per Sean's update), but still getting "Invalid Connection Information". Yes, I can get to the same F5 via my browser on 443. I am using Windows 2003 server with all the updates. Any other suggestions other then reinstall windows? Thanks