Forum Discussion

LillyM_9417's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Sep 17, 2012

irule cpu



We have 2 different irules, but their client accepted parts are completely same.


When I run "b rule rule_x show all" command, the avareage cpu (cycle) usages of the irules ( I am only comparing client accepted parts ) are different.


I think that the results (only for client accepted part ) should be same.


What can be the reason of this?


Thanks a lot




  • Hi LillyM,



    Actually that should be a wholistic reading of CPU Utilization for the entire iRule unless you are using the timing command.



    If you look at that Wiki Page it will show you how to implement the timing command to measure portions of an iRule as well as how to calculate the CPU Timing on your pariticular device.




    I used "timing on" command in two different ways.


    1-at the beginning of the irules


    2-at the begging of client accepted opart =>>> when CLIENT_ACCEPTED timing on



    The result is same. Although client accepted partions are completely same in two different irules. Their avg cpu consumptions are so different. I put the results below. I still cannot understand the reason. Any help would be great!








    b rule a_1 show all



    CLIENT_ACCEPTED 266 total 0 fail 0 abort


    Cycles (min, avg, max) = (0, 47353, 52782)



    b rule b_1 show all



    CLIENT_ACCEPTED 260 total 0 fail 0 abort


    Cycles (min, avg, max) = (21271, 31891, 51695)