Forum Discussion

chris_noon_2462's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 13, 2019

Interface throughput using SNMP / MIBs

I am trying to monitor the F5's interface bandwidth using the OID:


The issue I have is the value returned is total bandwidth on this interface since the interface came up, not a per second, which is what I'm looking for.


Other than taking a reading at minute 2 and subtracting the reading from minute 1, how would you do this using F5 MIB's?


I have the exact same issue with Virtual Server throughput. It's a total over time not per second.


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    There is no other (in reality) that will produce what you want. If you think about it, ay time you get a reading of 'rate' it has to be averaged over some period of time. That period could be anything. 1 second, 5 seconds, 60 seconds, 5 minutes. BigIP would have to keep lots of different values and calculate them (Think of the CPU time wasted) on the off chance someone would query them.


    It's much better to support 1 stat (incrementing counter) and let you poll it and calculate the average over the interval.