Forum Discussion

MarioMoneta's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jan 28, 2025

I rules for persistency

HI Guys

I have a client who want to do distribution of client session on /20 (4096 ip treated as one for server assignment)
but he realized that in this way the persistency (set at 960 sec = 16 minutes) never expires. Since there is a limit of 35K sessions, the side effects is "session starvation". So he would like to have distribution on /20 BUT having more granular persistency based on client IP. /32 so one record for each ip. Now my concern is the amount of records in the persistency table. could this be a problem ? how many records can an F5 manage until have CPU/Line card issues ? I already verified alternative methods to do persistency like cookies, but this doesn't apply because the communication is encrypted from client device to server with a TLS tunnel so i can't inject anything. this is the script. could it work of could i have  usage issues ? the model is BIG-IP Build 0.0.5 Point Release 3 the script is the following: 


thank you for your help




                # Persistence over IP

                persist uie [IP::client_addr]


                # Load balacing on subnet /20

                set client_ip [IP::client_addr]

                set subnet_ip [IP::addr $client_ip mask]


                # Get active pool member list

                set active_members [active_members -list pool <pool_name>]


                # If there are active members, pick one based on the hash of the masked IP

                if {[llength $active_members] > 0} {

                                set member [lindex $active_members [expr {[crc32 $subnet_ip] % [llength $active_members]}]]


                                pool <pool_name> member $member



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