Forum Discussion

Sam10's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 24, 2020

http cookie persistence

I have an application . When users makes a connection for the first time , server hands over a cookie to the user , when the user comes with the same cookie traffic should go to the same backend node which handed over the cookie.

If the cookie value is session1 , request need to go to node1, If cookie value is session2 request need to go to node2. This is the logic i am trying to work on , it would great help if i can get an irule for this .



 if { [HTTP::cookie exists "SESSION1"] } {

 node 1

 } else {

 if { [HTTP::cookie exists "SESSION2"] } {

 node 2


 else pool default pool



  • Bellow are the 2 irules i tried an no luck ,experts any help on this .



    when HTTP_REQUEST {

     if { [HTTP::cookie exists "EO_SESSION_ID"] } {

     persist uie [HTTP::cookie "EO_SESSION_ID"] 3600

     } else {

     set jsess [findstr [HTTP::uri] "EO_SESSION_ID" 1 ";"]

     if { $jsess != "" } {

     persist uie $jsess 3600




    when HTTP_RESPONSE {

     if { [HTTP::cookie exists "EO_SESSION_ID"] } {

     persist add uie [HTTP::cookie "EO_SESSION_ID"] 3600






    Tried even with switch statement.



    when HTTP_REQUEST {

      switch [string trimleft [HTTP::cookie EO_SESSION_ID] cookie] {

      "cookie1" {

          pool prod-pool member 5700


      "cookie2" {

         pool prod-pool member 5700


      default {

         pool prod-pool






    Instead of irule can i use cookie hash persistence.