Forum Discussion

Pavel_71715's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 27, 2012

How to send TM Shell command via PowerShell


I am quite new in this PowerShell stuff. So sorry for any stupid ideas but really appriciate any tips and tricks from you.




I tried to use this Powershell Snapin (F5 version 11.2) but when I checked the list of possible function I can't find any suitable for sending just simple tmshell strings. It would be for me the easiest way just to send the string with command. I have also dig about the SSH connection via PowerShell and it looked like the easy work but it didn't work for me with F5 for some reason (please see ). Thanks for your ideas.












P.S. - updated - I have discovered example how to use iApps (that is great because I can not find good documentation for iApp api)


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