Jul 29, 2011Altostratus
how to insert cookie and persist to it
Hi,dear irule
I have a pool cjj which has 10 members ,ration is the load blance method
I need to insert cookie and persist with cookie ,
for example client1 ----->VS---->pool member1 ,then insert one cookie(session cookie) to it, then persist this connection to the same pool member.
when HTTP::request {
if [HTTP::uri] starts_with "help"
pool cjj
persist cookie insert BIGIP_ABURL 0
when I want to apply it to the VS,it told me I need to add a persist profile
but I don't want to add a profile.because there are 10 pools under this vs and in this irule(don't want to use persist none in them,too many pools)
it will affect them
1:how to resolve this?
2:in the rule above,I don't set the cookie value,bigip will set it atuomatically?
pls help