Forum Discussion

Rajesh_07_16489's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 15, 2015

how does SSL handshake happen from f5 HTTPS Monitor to web server

There is a Default Cipher value in HTTPS Monitors, but certificate and key are not associated with HTTPS Monitor.


In this case, how does SSL handshake happen from f5 HTTPS Monitor to web server ?


Is that not necessary to associate certificate and key in HTTPS Monitors? At what scenario, it is required to use certificate and key in https monitors.


Your help is appreciated.


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    The certificate / key here is for client authentication. so if the pool member you are monitoring is going to require client authentication then you'll need the cert/key. Don't forget here the bigip is the client.


    To be honest I don't think I've ever seen a cert/key entered here.


    During the SSL handshake the server presents its own certificate and the client (bigip) accepts this.


    Hope this helps,




    • nathe's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
      good to hear, don't forget to mark it as an answered question to ensure other community users benefit. kind rgds, N