Forum Discussion

Thuchapon_92030's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 24, 2012

gtm mark status of the non-common virtual server incorrectly

I may found a issue that is why gtm (standalone, assume gtm1)


away mark down to the virtual server that is created in a non-common


partition (in standalone ltm, assume ltm1) although the ltm1 mark


virtual server up.



if you want to reproduce this issue, you just create a virtual server


in non-common partition in standalone ltm and use gtm (in another device or standalone)


to discovery this virtual server, you will see gtm away mark down to


the non-common partition virtual server.



ps. gtm mark status all of virtual servers that in a common partition properly.


ps2. gtm use bigip monitor for the ltm (server obj).


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    When you look at the GTM pool, do the poolmembers show status of down due to gtmd timeouts from big3d? If so, it's a known bug.



    If you run iqdump from the GTM box, against the LTM IP address, you'll notice that for VS's NOT in the default traffic-group you don't see monitor or VIP messages. It's a big3d fault. I'm waiting for an engineering hotfix myself for it. It affects all v11 AFAIK.



  • When you look at the GTM pool, do the poolmembers show status of down due to gtmd timeouts from big3d? yes, but I can't find the doc(known issue) for this issue.
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    AFAIK there isn't a SOL note for this. (Which admittedly is weird as it presumably affects a lot of sites). Log a call with F5 support.



  • Has this been fixed yet? I think we have just stumbled across this issue ourselves as we have LTM VSs that are not in the /Common partition that are being marked down when monitored from the GTM with big3d, and I can not understand why.



    GTM log shows the "no reply from big3d: timed out" error against the particular monitor/VS in question when it occurs. We are running v11.3.0-3022 HF3.