Forum Discussion

Zafer_101134's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 11, 2011

gtm config backup

i tried get backup gtm configuration. from system -gui -archive and command line but it does not include /config/gtm folder



when i extreact the ucs file this folder empty


i tested it gtm standalone and module box. it is same. is that known issue?







  • Very curious. I notice a similar issue in 10.1. I have an empty gtm folder as well.



    After searching, I found an issue with EM doing comparisons of GTM configs





    It mentions the files being in /var/tmp/gtm_tmp/gtm. Are yours located here as well?



    If you restore that archive to a GTM box, does it properly restore the data? I'm wondering if perhaps the restore utility understands the location is in the tmp folder.
  • Hi Chris,


    this is not EM issue. i tested on GTM stantdalone box and GTM+LTM unit. i have same results.


    /Config/gtm folder is empty


    i get the manual backup with tar command



    i dont try restore because its on production









  • Posted By Zafer on 01/13/2011 12:45 AM


    Hi Chris,


    this is not EM issue. i tested on GTM stantdalone box and GTM+LTM unit. i have same results.


    /Config/gtm folder is empty


    i get the manual backup with tar command



    i dont try restore because its on production










    I understand it's not an EM issue. I'm curious if your config files are in /var/tmp/gtm-tmp/gtm though? If they are, perhaps the restore utility knows that's the location. Have you asked support about it?
  • Hi Chris,



    /var/tmp?? directory contains configuration files but you know bigip keeps config files in to the "/config" folder and when i check the "/config/gtm" folder, it is empty thats the question.







  • Posted By Zafer on 01/20/2011 12:57 AM


    Hi Chris,



    /var/tmp?? directory contains configuration files but you know bigip keeps config files in to the "/config" folder and when i check the "/config/gtm" folder, it is empty thats the question.








    When the box is running, yes, I understand it keeps config files in /config. However, in my archive files, GTM's config files are in /var/tmp/ which makes me think the restore utility knows to look there when restoring GTM's config.