Forum Discussion

Luca_55898's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 26, 2012

gtm_add failing

I have a new GTM that i want to add use with my existing GTM.


I have configured the new GTM with a management IP, and provisioned the GTM section. From the doco I have read I now need to run the gtm_add script on the new GTM.


So i run it and i get this:


[root@gtm02:Active] config gtm_add


WARNING: Running this script will wipe out the current configuration


files (bigip_gtm.conf, named.conf and named zone files) on the BIG-IP GTM


Controller on which this script is run. The configuration will be


replaced with the configuration of the remote BIG-IP GTM Controller


in the specified sync group


The local BIG-IP GTM MUST already be added in the configuration of the


other GTM.



Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? [y/n] yes



==> Running 'bigstart shutdown gtmd' on the local system


==> Running 'bigstart shutdown zrd' on the local system


==> Running 'bigstart shutdown named' on the local system


Retrieving remote and installing local BIG-IP's SSL certs ...


Enter root password if prompted




Rekeying Master Key...


Verifying iQuery connection to This may take up to 30 seconds


iQuery connection to failed.


Is big3d running?


Is tcp port 4353 access allowed?



Restarting gtmd


Restarting named


Restarting zrd



So a few quesitons


1) What interface should i use to connect the two GTMs on? Is the management interface OK or should i se the self IP?


2) The gtm_add scirpt says 'The local BIG-IP GTM MUST already be added in the configuration of the


other GTM' How do I do that? This could be why it is failling down im thinking....


I have added each GTM into the servers section on both guys, and also created the data centers


I cal telnet on port 4353 between both GTMs and also SSH between both



Actually - the gtm log shows this:


Sep 26 17:41:18 gtm01 iqmgmt_ssl_connect: SSL error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed


Sep 26 17:41:18 gtm01 err gtmd[6206]: 011ae0fa:3: iqmgmt_ssl_connect: SSL error: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed (3361




  • Looks like you do not have access to port 4353.



    It is always better to establish the iQuery connection on the TMM interfaces rather than the management interface.


    Typically the management interfaces live on a separate zone in which case might not have 4353 port access.



    My next option would be give 4353 and 22 port access to one of the Selp IP. Change the port lockdown setting on the BIG-IP as well to accept 22 and 4353.



    If gtm_add still doesnt work try this:




    As at this point the key exchange might have been performed remove the entry for the host in the known_hosts file. This will be the IP address against which you have unsuccessfully run the gtm_add command against.


    Log in to the appropriate BIG-IP GTM command line:


    vi /root/.ssh/known_hosts, search for and remove existing entry for (to run gtm_addl)


    Only remove entries containing address of the GTM (GTM against which you performed the gtm_add).




    Make sure that only the server.crt exists in the /config/httpd/conf/ssl.crt folder on the GTM against which you are performing the gtm_add against.


  • This may work, you might have to renew the device certificate and give the name other than the default localonly.localhost cert. Altough the internal root cert is same , this resolved issues with the


    Sep 26 17:41:18 gtm01 iqmgmt_ssl_connect: SSL error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed Sep 26 17:41:18 gtm01 err gtmd[6206]: 011ae0fa:3: iqmgmt_ssl_connect: SSL error: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed (3361


    This must be followed by the "bigip_add " to ensure iquery comm. and also the check if 4353 is responding.


    Another check is to find the group-names are same on these GTMs


    • brad_11480's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      having the same message... my device certificates are issued by our internal PKI -- and are not self-signed.


      communication is likely there as it does return that message.... and when i do a iqdump it shows it is trying to open the session.


      how do i correct the certificate verify problem?


    • David__Pasch_24's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Try installing your SSL cert as a bundle with the full chain to the CA Root Cert.


    • brad_11480's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Bingo. Yes had to go futz it so the cert and its entire chain is provided. Appreciate the help.


  • When using an a CA for the SSL certs used in iQuery, bundle the certificates so that the full chain to the CA is valid.