Forum Discussion

David_Patino_20's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 30, 2018

Find actual filename of external data-group file from output of list sys file data-group


Does anyone know a way to map the output of either a

list ltm data-group external
command, or
list sys file data-group
to the actual file located on the disk?

For example, list

ltm data-group external

ltm data-group external CLASS-Redirects {
    external-file-name CLASS-Redirects-norm
    type string


list sys file data-group

sys file data-group CLASS-Redirects-norm {
    source-path file:///shared/tmp/clas/dg.norm

However the actual file is:


I'm not sure where the number that's appended comes from. Any ideas?

Basically, given the output of one of the commands above I need to be able to view the contents of that file. I was going to do a bash cat command like so:

run util bash -c "cat  but I obviously need to build the filename first.

Thanks for any tips.
  • /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/data_group_d/:Common:CLASS-Redirects-norm_40227_3

    I'm not sure where the number that's appended comes from. Any ideas?

    The appended numbers are an index number and a revision number, and are used by mcpd and the filestore to maintain consistency.

    You can see the cache-path in bigip.conf but you cannot determine it via tmsh commands

     grep CLASS-Redirects-norm /config/bigip.conf