Forum Discussion

player_72606's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 12, 2012

Failover Q

Hi all.



i'm running a pair of bigip ver.10.1 with serial failover and got two targets: to migrate to network failover


2. upgrade to 11.1 , i know that there's an upgrade path through 10.2.4 first



regarding the failover, i couldn't find any tech doc or best practice on how to do so


which step shell i do first?



please share your knowledge and insights







  • to migrate to network failoveri understand you just normally configure network failover. when having both serial and network failover, serial failover will have precedence. then remove serial failover and test during maintenance window.



    sol2397: Comparison of serial failover and network failover features




    2. upgrade to 11.1 , i know that there's an upgrade path through 10.2.4 firsti think best to upgrade to 10.2.0 or above first and then 11.x.



    Manual Chapter: Upgrading BIG-IP ActiveStandby Systems to Version 11X




    hope this helps.