Forum Discussion

CGI's avatar
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Jul 28, 2011

F5 version 10.2.2 and Lync Server 2010 implementation

Hi we are installing Lync Server 2010 in our enviroment, and iam little confused how the configuration should look in F5 LTM.We are implementing the AV functionality and there are quiute a few TCp ports from 50000- 59999 that need to be open in to the from the internet to the F5 and then to the edge server, and iam finding the guide a little confusing. Anyone any experience setting up the config in F5 ?




Regards Craig





  • Ryan_Korock_46's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hey Craig, for inbound access, all you need to do is create the appropriate port 443, 5061, & 3478 VIPs, and point those to the A/V, webconf, and Access Services on your Edge Servers.



    The TCP Ports between 50000 & 59999 need to be opened for outbound access. Typically, customers just create a SNAT to allow outbound access. This SNAT is not port specific, so it will allow outbound access on all ports.