Forum Discussion

Sam_S__174799's avatar
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Oct 22, 2014

F5 APM WebGate - 10g or 11g?



Has the latest version of the APM WebGate been upgraded to a true 11g webgate, or is it still a 10g webgate? The latest documentation I can find (link) points to a 10g version, but that documentation is over a year old and we’ve heard it both ways. Clarification would be greatly appreciated!




Sam S.


  • Hello, APM OAM does not support 11g Webgate natively, however you can use a 11g server, but you must configure the webgate as 10g on the APM.

  • there , did you get clarification on this - i am trying deploy APM with Oracle 11G webgate -- i am running f5 v 14 ,, does it support - 11g webgate


  • Is there any update for this topic? Because your question is from 2014.


    Can we setup the APM Plugin with Oracle Access Manager 11g Webgates?


    Thanks, Christoph