Forum Discussion
Mar 07, 2012Nimbostratus
External classes into a same external file
I switched from writing internal string classes in default file /config/bigip.conf to writing to an external file using external classes.
But then the string classes I write are dependent of the external class.
Is it always the case ?
I mean if I want to write to an external file, is each external file specific to a class ??
Can I write and group several classes within a same external file ?
I am using iControl SDK v10.2.0
Thanks very much !!
- An external class is independent from internal classes - they are two different kind of objects. An internal class is a dataset that's content is included directly in the bigip.conf file. External classes are stored completely in a single external file with the bigip.conf only containing a reference to it. I'll try to answer your questions one by one.
- Mat_58707NimbostratusOk, the relation 1-to-1 is good to me, I wanted to be sure.
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