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Jasa_74968's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 05, 2014

Exchange 2010 and Commvault Simpana V10 issues

Hi all,

I've got a bit of an issue since we upgraded our Commvault Simpana from v9 to v10 with recalling archived emails from stubs.

What we have is: Client->F5(SSL Offload)->CAS Servers,Commvault Web server CAS servers are configured

Client is targeting "" that points to a VS on F5 (config done through iApps) with SSL offload and it works fine. Commvault has a VS on a different IP pointing to single Commvault Web Server (IP_address_of_Commvault_VS) With Simpana v9, recall of messages went from CAS server to Simpana proxy and message was delivered to the client through CAS server.

In v10, Client gets a 302 response from CAS server pointing him to "".

I've tried with HTTP profile that has Rewrite_redirect set to all with no success so I've put in an iRule:

when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { ([HTTP::is_redirect]) and ([HTTP::header "Location"] starts_with "") } { HTTP::header replace "Location" [string map { IP_address_of_Commvault_VS} [HTTP::header "Location"] ] } { log local0. "Rewriting to http://IP_address_of_Commvault_VS/"



I get plenty of hits in the Log saying rewrite has happened but don't see client then hitting the rewritten URL as if nothing happens.

What am i missing?

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