Oct 10, 2011Nimbostratus
Error sending traffic to the pool
Hi folks,
I need to redirect traffic to different pools based on user uri WITHOUT CHANGING THE URL. So, if the user types or or /landing or /login, I should redirect them to the "login" servers (LOGIN_POOL). Any other requests should go to "utility" servers (UTILITY_POOL).
In my iRule, after checking HTTP::uri (either empty or equals to "/start" or "/login") and issuing "pool LOGIN_POOL", I get 404 error. The only time it actually works is if the uri is "/landing". This is because the servers inside LOGIN_POOL have apps with "/landing" context roots.
Is there a way to send traffic to a specific POOL or VIP with the uri different from what the user has typed? The HTTP::redirect works but it exposes the internal url.
Any help is greatly appreciated.