Forum Discussion

Cristiano_Costa's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 17, 2018

DOS Layer 7 memory consumption



Recently we had a problem where BIGIP started killing several tcp connections. Analyzing the issue we discovered that the TMM "used memory" was over 85% and BIGIP began to kill the connections.


So, we started looking why TMM was using so much memory and found out that the "Memory Pool" with the name "DoS Layer 7 ACY" was using 2.7G (a much higher value than any other entry in the memory pool table).


Does this "DoS Layer 7 ACY" use TMM's allocated memory? If yes, is there a way to reduce this amount of memory?




  • BIGIP VE 12.1.1 (LTM, ASM, AVR, AFM and AAM);
  • We use "DOS Layer 7" feature in 15 Virtual Servers (mainly to block bots);
  • We have 5.6G allocated to TMM.

Thank you,




4 Replies

  • Yes, I did.


    The solution was to increase the amount of memory in my virtual machine to stop the connection killing. It seems that the DoS feature is consuming a lot of memory in my setup.


  • i would advise you to open a ticket with F5 support, they can look at your full setup and provide better guidance on memory changes.