Forum Discussion

Manish_Oberoi_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 19, 2017

Does BIG IP v11.5.3 support IDP SLO requests through REDIRECT or only POST?

Hopefully a easy question: in v12 the IDP supports SP requests for logout through Redirect and Post. I see this in the idP metdata 'SingleLogoutService ResponseLocation='options for HTTP-POST & HTTP-Redirect are present.


We also support BIG IP v11.5.3, in the idP metadata and no HTTP-Redirect.


Can we configure this somewhere in later versions (HTTP-Redirect) or is this only available in later releases?


Unfortunately the attached SP only supports REDIRECT and SOAP. Before going down another rabbit hole of making changes on the SP I'm hoping there is a quick solution on the F5 (besides updating versions in the immediate term, but well overdue).


Appreciate any help, as I'm still really new to BIG IP.


Thanks in advance.


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