Forum Discussion

ganeshkumar12's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 12, 2024

create multiple VIPs on F5 using AS3 JSON File and Dynamic Variables

I want to create multiple VIPs using a single piece of code - example dynamic variables in TFVARS.

resources like application name , VIP Name, VIP IP Address, Irule, Profile, Backend Pool should be taken as input in the Tfvars file.

Does anyone have a sample code for the same- 

I am using the following .tf file-


# Terraform code for AS3



resource "bigip_as3" "as3-f5-VIPS" {


as3_json = file("as3.json")



  • the sample JSON file used by me is as follows-


      "$schema": "",
      "class": "AS3",
      "action": "deploy",
      "persist": true,
      "declaration": {
        "class": "ADC",
        "schemaVersion": "3.0.0",
        "id": "123abc",
        "label": "Sample AS3-V8 Tenant5",
        "remark": "HTTPS with predictive-node pool",
        "Tenant5": {
          "class": "Tenant",
          "app1": {
            "class": "Application",
              "": {
              "class": "Service_HTTP",
              "remark": "",
               "profileTCP": {"bigip": "/Common/mptcp-mobile-optimized"},
               "virtualAddresses": [
            "serviceAddress": {
              "class": "Service_Address",
              "virtualAddress": "",
              "arpEnabled": true,
              "icmpEcho": "enable",
              "trafficGroup": "none",
              "routeAdvertisement": "disable"
              "pool": {"bigip": "/Common/Shared/api_pool"}
            "app2": {
            "class": "Application",  

            "": {
              "class": "Service_HTTPS",
              "remark": "",
              "profileHTTP": {"bigip": "/Common/http_hsts_xf"},
               "profileTCP": {"bigip": "/Common/mptcp-mobile-optimized"},
               "virtualAddresses": [
              "pool": {"bigip": "/Common/gcpane2ews_443"},
              "serverTLS": {"bigip": "/Common/"},
              "redirect80": false 