Forum Discussion

Jason_40769's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 08, 2011

Config Transfer 10.1 to 11VE

I have two active/active 10.1 LTMs running and we have just acquired our first version 11.0 LTM-VE. I would like to transfer the config over to the newly created LTM-VE. For testing, without disrupting the current production boxes.. What steps do i need to do in order to accomplish this?
  • Hi,



    please try this.



    1.) assign the LTM-VE the same hostname as the old one



    2.) create an archive file on 10.1 (the one which hostname you used in step 1.)



    3.) add at least as many interfaces to the LTM-VE as have been used on your active boxes. You will need this, as there are references to interface names in the config file, like 1.8. WARNING: If you use any interfaces named 2.1. I'm pretty sure that this will not work with LTM-VE. In that case you'll have to modify the config file (bigip_base.conf and/or bigip_system.conf) manually before step 5.)



    4.) Save the license file of 11.0 (/config/bigip.license)



    5.) import the archive file on 11.0 and activate it. WARNING: Do not connect the LTM-VE to the same network as the production units, as it will have the same IP addresses after config restore!!!



    6.) If necessary, restore the license file



    That should work.





    Kurt Knochner
  • sol13132: Backing up and restoring BIG-IP configuration files (11.x)




    this is what i have tested.



    1 backed up /config/bigip.license



    [root@ve1100:Active] config cp /config/bigip.license /config/bigip.license.11.0.0



    2 restored 10.2.3 ucs



    [root@ve1100:Active] config tmsh load sys ucs /var/tmp/temp/


    Saving active configuration...


    Current configuration backed up to /var/local/ucs/cs_backup.ucs.


    Product : BIG-IP


    Platform: Z100


    Version : UCS : 10.2.3


    System: 11.0.0


    Hostname: UCS :




    The system hostname is changed to


    Installing --full-- configuration on host


    Installing configuration...


    Installing the license file...




    Your previous configuration files have been archived, as listed


    below. If you customized any settings in these files before



    3 restored /config/bigip.license and then run bigstart restart



    4 system came back but 10.2.3 configuration was not loaded e.g. selfip was not correct, no virtual server, etc.



    [root@ve1100:Active] config tmsh list ltm virtual


    [root@ve1100:Active] config



    5 run /usr/libexec/bigpipe daol and got error about lc module but it was never used



    [root@ve1100:Active] config /usr/libexec/bigpipe daol


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/low_profile_base.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/config_base.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/bigip_sys.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/bigip_base.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/base_monitors.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/profile_base.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/daemon.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/bigip.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/bigip_local.conf.


    Loading the configuration ...


    BIGpipe unknown operation error:


    0107100f:3: The provisioning for module (lc) is invalid or cannot be used on this platform.



    6 deleted the following line from /config/bigpipe/bigip_sys.conf then run /usr/libexec/bigpipe daol and it worked!!! (o_O)



    [root@ve1100:Active] bigpipe head bigip_sys.conf


    shell write partition Common


    provision gtm {}


    provision lc {}


    provision ltm {


    level nominal




    partition Common {


    description "Repository for system objects and shared objects."




    partition test {}





    [root@ve1100:Active] bigpipe /usr/libexec/bigpipe daol


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/low_profile_base.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/config_base.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/bigip_sys.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/bigip_base.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/base_monitors.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/profile_base.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/daemon.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/bigip.conf.


    Reading configuration from /config/bigpipe/bigip_local.conf.


    Loading the configuration ...



    all in all, i think we have to fix issue on the fly. :-(
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hey Nitass,



    Any reason you don't use 'tmsh load sys config' versus '/usr/libexec/bigpipe daol'?



    Thanks, Aaron
  • Any reason you don't use 'tmsh load sys config' versus '/usr/libexec/bigpipe daol'? if there is configuration compatible issue, upgrade script may not be able to convert v10 configuration to v11, so /config/bigip*.conf will not be complete. v10 configuration is stored in /config/bigpipe. /usr/libexec/bigpipe daol is used to load v10 configuration and convert it to v11. thus, we will see error message while loading if had. tmsh load sys config is used to load v11 configuration which is in /config. in case if /config/bigip*.conf is not ready, tmsh load sys config may not be useful at that stage.