Forum Discussion

Swordfish_11740's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 06, 2014

COMPRESS::enable request

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After reading the above links I am still unsure of whether "COMPRESS::enable request" will accept compressed requests to the F5 and un-compress for the backend and then re-compress for the response.


Can someone clarify this please?


Will the below iRule layout work when trying to accept compressed requests?


when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { [HTTP::header Content-Type] contains "text/html;charset=UTF-8"} { COMPRESS::enable } }


Thank you for your support.






  • COMPRESS::enable request was introduced for the clientside flow when support for compression on that side of the proxy was introduced, allowing you to compress traffic flowing from client->server instead of the traditional server->client. Should be used in the HTTP_REQUEST or HTTP_REQUEST_DATA events. The actual compression does not happen until after the flow passes through the proxy to the serverside.


  • Did you come to a conclusion on this questions. I have the same scenario - Client sends a compressed POST request to LTM and the LTM now forwards the request as-is. the ask is that the LTM will uncompress the POST payload and send it to the server.
  • I am afraid I still have no answer to this question. If you find anything please let me know!!! This has been a long task of mine that I should have completed ages ago but I cannot get the answer to my question.