Forum Discussion

David_Forget_22's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 20, 2009

Clone Pool Irule



We would like to intercept/clone all HTTP REQUESTs and HTTP RESPONSEs for certain Virtual Server / Pool. We looked at clone pool feature but the documentation does not provide enough information on how to set it up and if the server response will be cloned to the clone pool. What are the best ways to do it with F5 BigIP (9.4.7) using IRules





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    I'm not sure whether the responses will be sent to the clone pool, but per the solution below I think they will be:




    SOL8573: Overview of port mirroring and clone pools




    A clone pool is a property of a virtual server, and it receives all of the same traffic as the load-balancing pool.





    Also, I expect the functionality will be the same whether you call the clone pool using the VIP configuration or from an iRule. The configuration is fairly straightforward and is described in SOL8573.



    If you test this and find out the answer, could you reply here for reference?





  • What isn't clear when using an irule to set the clone pool conditionally is if it is setting the request side or the response side cloning. There only seems to be one iRule command to set cloning and it doesn't describe which it does or if it does both, or if it is based on the event where it appears.



    i'll probably do a bunch of trial and error to find out, but if someone knows or if there is a document that provides the answer, it would be much appreciated!
  • What isn't clear when using an irule to set the clone pool conditionally is if it is setting the request side or the response side cloning. There only seems to be one iRule command to set cloning and it doesn't describe which it does or if it does both, or if it is based on the event where it appears.



    i'll probably do a bunch of trial and error to find out, but if someone knows or if there is a document that provides the answer, it would be much appreciated!
  • My belief is that, as you suggest, it's based on the context of the Event but I've never tested it.
  • What isn't clear when using an irule to set the clone pool conditionally is if it is setting the request side or the response side cloning. There only seems to be one iRule command to set cloning and it doesn't describe which it does or if it does both, or if it is based on the event where it appears. i understand what clone command does is to select clone pool member. i have not tested but i think to clone specific traffic side, vip-targeting-vip and clone pool (gui) may be usable.
  • Anyone have an answer to the OP? I'm being asked to send all the traffic (requests and responses) for a VIP to a collector probe.


  • For that, you can just create a pool that has the collector probe in it, then assign a clone pool to the virtual server object.