Forum Discussion

Rise_77519's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 09, 2014

clearing ram cache

Hi, is it possible to clear ram cache on the bigip when created new content on the application server that works behind the f5 ? there is a maximum age setting on the web acceleration profile but app. developers want to immediately renew the cache content on the f5 cache? can i use an irule for this ?




  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    You may try the following;

    tmsh show ltm profile ramcache all 
    tmsh delete ltm profile ramcache all
  • Hi Kunjan, thank you for the answer. Actually i am aware of the command but application developers are changing the application content frequently so we want to automate clear ram cache on the f5. manually removing the cache is not efficient for us.


  • Hello


    Is it possilbe we can clear or remove entry on a specific host or remove one cached info(URI). I am asking this because in our system we have a Virtual server and associated web acceleration profiles, but we use a redirect I rule , which basically redirect multiple host , when i try this command "tmsh show ltm profile ramcache all" it spit out a lot of cache entry for each host.




  • You can show or delete cache entries based on host, uri, or regex. Run this command from cli for more info: tmsh help ltm profile ramcache