Forum Discussion
Clearing cookies for site with iRule
Seems like this should work but it doesn't
# If the cookie_version2 cookie doesn't exist get
# a list of cookies to be used in the response
if {not [HTTP::cookie exists "cookie_version2"]} {
#log local0. "cookie_version2 exists"
set request_cookies [HTTP::cookie names]
# If there is a list of cookies to delete
if {[info exists request_cookies]} {
#log local0. "Iterating through deleting cookies"
# Iterate thruough them and set the expiry in the past
foreach a_cookie $request_cookies {
#log local0. "Remove cookie: $a_cookie"
HTTP::header insert Set-Cookie "$a_cookie=deleted;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT;path=/"
# Set a cookie_version2 cookie so we don't run this again.
#log local0. "Add cookie cookie_versio2=1 to track if the cookies have been cleared before or not"
HTTP::cookie insert name "cookie_version2" value "1" path "/"
HTTP::cookie attribute cookie_version2 value "expires" "Thu, 09-April-2022 00:00:00 GMT"
#log local0. "Add dummy cookie to see if cookie deletions is working"
HTTP::cookie insert name "dummy_cookie" value "1" path "/"
HTTP::cookie attribute dummy_cookie value "expires" "Thu, 09-April-2022 00:00:00 GMT"
Hi, I've achieved a similar thing recently to delete APM cookies and restart session. I can confirm the only way to delete cookies on client side is forcing them to expire. Try to see if my code snippet helps you. Also, I'm only removing cookies for specific domain since that was what I needed for my environment, use browser tools to determine whether you need this or not.
set refererfound 0
if {[string tolower [HTTP::header value Referer]] eq "<censored>"}{
set refererfound 1
HTTP::header replace Referer ""
set reqcookies [HTTP::cookie names]
foreach cookie $reqcookies {
HTTP::cookie remove $cookie
if {$refererfound eq 1}{
foreach acookie $reqcookies {
HTTP::header insert Set-Cookie "$acookie=deleted; domain=<censored>; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/"
- David_MMar 15, 2022
hey, I'm trying something similar, so if I want to do it for just 1 domain do I just replace your if condition to match the HTTP host? The domain is simple like
if {[string tolower [HTTP::header value Referer]] eq "<censored>"}{ #replace with HTTP host instead of referer here? Will that work?
- CA_ValliMar 15, 2022
Hello David, syntax-wise it will work; however consider that this will mean cookies will be dropped every time since iRule is executed at every request hit.
If you need "fresh" cookies to be generated and kept in next requests, you might want to consider injecting some cookie yourself, that will allow you to ignore the "cookie drop" on next requests.
I didn't need this in my scenario, since I was only concerned about a very specific HREF call.
Also, check the Set-Cookie instruction in response release event too, it might require tuning.
- David_MMar 16, 2022
This is my post where i want to delete cookies based on domain name . .any thoughts??
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