Forum Discussion

davidy2001's avatar
Nov 18, 2022

Cannot see ip address via cli

Hi IP address is configured for vlan. Why the ip address cannot be seen via below command? thanks root@(F5-112)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# list net interface all net interface 1....
  • Hi davidy2001 , 
      use this commend :

    root@(lab-ans)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# list net self all-properties

    you should see each self ip address and all relevant configurations. 

    >AS Enes_Afsin_Al said ,  when you issued this command : (list net interface all)  , you are viewing the properities of interface itself , this interface assigned to multiple Vlans which we call it " sub-vlans " , so that imagine you have 1000 vlans with 1000 self ips  and you need to assign them to interfaces , it does not make sense to get these ips under interface itself when you issue {list net interface all} 
    > Vlans are the main controller in your network configuration and choosing ips. 
    the best way to see all ips and their assigned Vlans is to list all of your self ips address , you see each self name , ips and its own vlan. 
