Forum Discussion
can i combine 2 irules together.
We have 3 urls pointing to the a VS on f5. With 2 urls I need to allow specific IP from the http header ( looking for specific iv remote address),If the IP is in DG allow traffic to the VS if not reject.This is working fine. when HTTP_REQUEST { Traffic is allowed. Client IP match found in DG_QA if { [class match [HTTP::header iv-remote-address] eq "qa" ] }{ pool qa_pool } else { Traffic is dropped. Client IP match not found in DG_QA reject } }
With the 3rd url I need to look only a some specific content in the http header . and how can i achieve this by combining all this into a single irule.
- youssef1
you can already tests this irule:
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/my/uri1" || [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/my/uri2") && [class match [HTTP::header iv-remote-address] eq "qa" ] } { condition (uri2 or uri2) and specific IP } elseif { ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/my/uri1") && [HTTP::header exists "test"] && [HTTP::header "test"] eq "myValue" } { condition (uri1) and specific header name + specific header value } else { default } }
let me now if it's what's you need and keep me update if you need additional info.
use else if or switch to make sure the correctly parts are hit.
if you can provide the three code snippets (formatted correctly) im sure someone will put it together.
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