Forum Discussion

EfrainGonzalez_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 21, 2017

Blade assign incorrectly interfaces to VCMP

I'm setting up two viprions, and when performing connectivity tests, the computer that will be the standby is not responding, a trunk for port 7 and 8 was configured with lacp active in both Viprion host, when we check the interfaces in the vguest, on the first computer the Ports are inherited from the host, but on the second computer are different interfaces 5 and 6 (on the host are 7 and 8), is it possible to change the interfaces that the host assigns to vcmp? Or is there any way to correct the interfaces?


I try to modify the host interfaces in vguest but they appear as pending



  • The interfaces are assigned to VLANs on the vCMP host. The VLANS are then assigned to vCMP guests. The guest has no knowledge of or interaction with the interfaces. That is entirely handled by the host.


    If you have configured the correct interfaces on the vCMP host and are seeing different interfaces assigned there, then you should open a case with support.


    If you have configured interfaces, VLANs, or Trunks on the vCMP guest, you need to delete them and recreate them on the vCMP host.