Forum Discussion

erol_dogan_1164's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 27, 2013

ASM transparent bridge mode detect capabilities

I am evaluating a standalone ASM appliance. There a lot of web applications in my network which I don't know their IP addresses or host names (or even their existence). This is because my network is a university network in which instructors have privilidge to host their own web sites through the corporate firewall.


Does ASM have capability to detect those all websites and disclose/block their vulnerabilities?


I tried to use F5 appliance between Metro ethernet switch and firewall in order to let the appliance to detect the applications, I used transparent bridge mode. Unfortunately, I failed on my goal.


  • how did you configure the ASM appliance to get traffic actually at the ASM module? did you configure a general virtual server with a HTTP class? which version of TMOS are you running?
  • Have you configured ASM according to this solution?
  • I have configured the appliance according to the SOL9372. I have a l2 forwarding VS and I have to have a standard VS in order to create an ASM policy. The destination of the standard VS is the network between firewall and ME switch where F5 sits.


    Did you ever used ASM this way? Do you have any opinion about the question I asked for detect capabilities?

