Forum Discussion

Jimmy20's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 10, 2022

ASM Enabled VIP

Hello All, 

I am searching for - How to check and ensure that specific Virtual Server (VIP) is enabled with ASM. i.e. How to identify If ASM is configured for specific Virtual Server. 


  • You could check whether a specific virtual has one or more ASM policies attached to it using the iControl REST interface. Use both commands below:

    curl -sk -u "admin:XXXXXX" -X GET "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies?\$filter=virtualServers%20eq%20/Common/vs_app1&\$select=name" | jq .

    curl -sk -u "admin:XXXXXX" -X GET "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies?\$filter=manualVirtualServers%20eq%20/Common/vs_app1&\$select=name" | jq .

    Just change "/Common/vs_app1" for the virtual server name which you want to check for ....

    The first command works when the virtual server has a single ASM policy attached to it. The second command works when the virtual server has multiple ASM policies attached to it (e.g: using LTM policies).

    If there are any ASM policy attached to the virtual server you should see in the output of either commands ....